Pentru a plasa o cerere de schimb/retur, te rugam sa introduci mai jos adresa de email si numarul de comanda (#MSR2024-1278, introduceti doar 1278)
Ma costa ceva sa schimb / returnez un produs?
Sunt foarte ok, chiar daca s-au murdarit se curata, nu retin frigul fata de alte materiale si sunt extrem de comozi
Pe alt site este 160 , alt material , altfel făcut , aici este 240 dar ce este aici este altceva , merita bani . Vă mulțumesc 🫡
Pantaloni Army Dama Black
Pantaloni Tactici Softshell Pompierii Igsu Bleumarin Inchis
Este exact ce aveam nevoie.
Mulțumesc pt produs
Bluza Tactical Long Sleeve Shirt Quick Dry Black
pantalonii sunt prea scurti si de proasta calitate
Foarte buna
Foarte multumit,Servit promt sí de calitate . Multumesc frumos!! Recomand tuturor cu caldura,!!!
Produsele au sosit a 2-a zi, bine impachetate si corespund descrierii.Recomand.
Bricheta originala Zippo Insert cu Doua Jeturi Gaz Butan
The store offers high quality products and efficient delivery. Many customers praised the durability, comfort, and value of the items they purchased, expressing satisfaction with customer service and promptness. Overall, customers seem pleased with their exper... The store offers high quality products and efficient delivery. Many customers praised the durability, comfort, and value of the items they purchased, expressing satisfaction with customer service and promptness. Overall, customers seem pleased with their experiences at this store.
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